


Bamboosil are a group of media production students of the University of Winchester dedicated to producing a documentary capable of winning the U-Doc student film festival. Our documentary topic is currently based around protest groups and demonstrations and aims to answer questions such as Who goes to protests? why? what are the laws regarding protests? and do these laws hinder a persons right to protest peacefully?

Please head on over to our blog page to fill out a short questionnaire on protesting and demonstrations.

Below is a window to  Protest news from around the world. Click on the links to be whisked away to


Our new site contains our research and work towards our final documentary. We have organised our pages to cover all of our work in easy to navigate menus. Our pages are as follows;

 Articles about the industry of documentary film and photo-journalism. Expect pieces such as histories, documentary catagories, practitioner bios and other similar items.

A collection of Photo-journalistic pictures showing our development and understanding of the importance of photography in documentary.

A section showing our continual development of material such as Promtional posters and other supportive media related to increasing the awareness of our documentary.

A section outlining our documentary ideas and outlaying all the research done relating to those concepts. 

Academic reviews of the documentaries we have watched recently.

A page dedicated to keeping people in the loop. Meting times and group updates will be posted here, as well as some interactive material.

Introducing you to the Bamboosil team, who we are, what we do and what we look like.

A page containing some interesting videos regarding protests and demonstrations.

SHAC are a protest group dedicated to stopping Huntingdon Life Sciences, a company with a track record of cruelty to animals.

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